Shortly before my 21st birthday, I contracted a viral infection affecting my heart. This led to an anxiety condition the doctors called “cardio neurosis”. I felt what I thought were the symptoms of a heart attack which led to frequent panic attacks in which I was gripped by the thought that I was about to die. I was often rushed to hospital to be told that there was nothing wrong with me. I continued to suffer panic attacks and my health was deteriorating due to the high level of underlying anxiety in my life.
In 1989 I was told of how I could be baptised by full immersion and receive the Holy Spirit knowing that this had occurred because I would speak in tongues. I had never heard of any proof of God's existence before. After several hours of asking questions and having them all answered from the Bible, I went to a Revival Fellowship meeting and to my amazement had this very experience. Shortly after receiving the Holy Spirit I realised that I no longer suffered any anxiety symptoms whatsoever – God had healed me and I have not had a single panic attack since!
Born in a catholic family in Vietnam, I was christened as a baby and later told by the local priest that I had received the Holy Spirit, but still felt no different. Although I lead a clean life, I still faced difficulties developing unhealthy relationships and indulging in pessimistic ideas. I turned to God when I faced troubles but saw no power. In 2016 my workmate told me about his personal relationship with God. It was the first time I heard about evidence of the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues. Moreover, it was written in black and white in the Bible - the same Bible that I read in the catholic church!
I revisited my hometown in Vietnam in 2017 and attended masses every day for 2 weeks. It was then I realised that what I had been doing was not aligned with the Bible. When I returned, I was baptised by full immersion and received the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, exactly as the Bible describes. This marked the moment when God was no longer an abstract concept in my life, he became real. Since then I continue walking with my God, his words in the Bible continuously guiding me through this life.
From a young age I believed that God existed but never knew for sure. In late 1988 I prayed on my knees for the first time in my life hoping that God would hear and answer me. Shortly afterwards a lady told me that God had worked miracles in her life and that I needed to be born again. I was convicted that I needed to be baptised by full immersion and ask God for the Holy Spirit. On 12th March 1989, immediately after being baptised I began to speak in tongues and finally knew without a doubt that God did exist. I felt as though the burdens of life were lifted off my shoulders.
From the age of 14 I had suffered gynaecological issues, having had two surgeries for these. This resulted in being unable to conceive children naturally. After baptism, the symptoms I used to suffer disappeared and I became pregnant in early 1990 with my first child with no medical intervention. My gynaecologist was amazed and said “this shouldn’t have happened to you, you should have needed IVF to become pregnant”. I praise God for this wonderful healing. I had two more children and I now have grandchildren. I am so blessed that the Lord has been in my life healing, guiding, protecting and providing for me in so many miraculous ways for all these years.
I received the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues after being baptised by full immersion. This was the beginning of a wonderful new life full of joy and peace.
The Lord has been with me in all situations since that time. He has healed me of depression, a broken heart and taken away all sorrow. He has healed my body of many ailments.
In 2019 I suffered a series of mini-strokes. I then had a much larger stroke and was hospitalised. I lost all use down the right side of my face and body and I couldn’t talk. Pastor Steve visited me in hospital and offered to pray in tongues with me. As we prayed my movement and speech returned!
The Lord has never changed and the Holy Spirit is as fresh and new as the day I received it. I praise and thank the Lord every day for his Grace and Mercy towards me.
We both grew up in Spiritfilled families and saw many wonderful miracles during our childhood. We each received the Holy Spirit and began to speak in tongues after asking God for the same power we saw in the church. We have experienced many miracles just as we read in our Bibles.
We face all of the challenges parents do bringing up children, but have continued to enjoy the peace and confidence God provides through the Holy Spirit. Whenever we have a problem we can pray to God by speaking in tongues and see miraculous things happen. If we are unsure in a situation, we have the Scriptures to guide us in the right direction. We praise God for giving us a life full of joy and contentment.
I felt an emptiness inside me that drugs, alcohol and relationships could only temporarily fill. At 45, after yet another failed relationship, I was shown passages in my Bible that said I needed to repent, be baptised and to receive God's Holy Spirit. I did this and when I received the Holy Spirit I spoke in tongues and my life changed that day. I became full of God's joy and peace that has never left me.
Even when I was told that I had liver tumours that peace remained. While others felt afraid for me, my Spirit filled fellowship and I felt only calm faith as we prayed for the healing God promises to His people. Six weeks later the doctor re-diagnosed the lumps as benign and six months later they were totally gone, something that just doesn't happen. I am so thankful for all the help the Lord gives me in every way in my life.
Following completion of a 33 week Bible study course in the mainline church I was attending at the time, I was amazed to find that everyone in the group had differing opinions on the Scriptures. I prayed to God to reveal His truth to me and within 2 weeks someone approached me with the true gospel message. It was clear and simple coming straight from the Bible. I went to a meeting where I was baptised and received the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Immediately I was able to read the Bible with a new and refreshing understanding.
I thank God for the peace, comfort and security His love has given me. In 1995 I was informed by a doctor I had osteoporosis. I had heard someone else in the church being healed of this and prayed in the confidence that God would also perform the same healing in my life. I then went back for further x-rays and was told that I did not have osteoporosis. The doctors could not explain what had happened but I knew that I had been healed by God. I thank God for His wonderfulhealing miracles that now happen in my life.
My daily life with God is a joy and I thank Jesus for His graciousness in saving me.
After I received the Holy Spirit, I looked down and the nicotine stains on my hands had completely vanished!

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