Jan was completely healed of tumours on her liver after prayer.
I felt an emptiness inside me that drugs, alcohol and relationships could only temporarily fill. At 45, after yet another failed relationship, I was shown passages in my Bible that said I needed to repent, be baptised and to receive God's Holy Spirit. I did this and when I received the Holy Spirit I spoke in tongues and my life changed that day. I became full of God's joy and peace that has never left me.
Even when I was told that I had liver tumours that peace remained. While others felt afraid for me, my Spirit filled fellowship and I felt only calm faith as we prayed for the healing God promises to His people. Six weeks later the doctor re-diagnosed the lumps as benign and six months later they were totally gone, something that just doesn't happen. I am so thankful for all the help the Lord gives me in every way in my life.